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Moving and Thriving: The Connection Between Physical Activity and Wellbeing

Approximate reading time: 5 minutes.

Demands and pressures abound in education settings. Amidst busy schedules and workload challenges, it's important to prioritise your wellbeing, and physical activity is a powerful tool for achieving that. 

Simply moving more can boost your mood, reduce stress, improve your cognitive function, and even prevent chronic diseases. So let's dive in and discover how you, as an educator, can get healthier and happier by incorporating physical activity into your life!

How does physical activity impact wellbeing?

Regular physical activity can be a powerful tool. It acts as a natural stress buster, helping to reduce tension and anxiety from the pressures of working in education.  It can also help you improve your sleep so you feel more rested. 

Physical activity also releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that can elevate mood and promote a sense of wellbeing. Exercise is one of the best ways to boost your personal energy and keep you feeling fresh. 

Finding effective ways to manage stress is essential if you want to be as engaged on the last day of school as you were on the first. Physical activity is just one of many ways teacher wellbeing can become a reality, and it positively impacts many aspects of your life. 

How much physical activity should I be doing?

A lack of time is one of the most common challenges teachers and school staffface when caring for their mental and physical wellbeing. You may face workload challenges that limit your time for physical activity. However, you don't need to run or work out for hours every day to get the benefits of physical activity. Small amounts spaced over the week are enough to reap the many benefits of physical activity.

According to NHS guidelines, adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week and muscle-strengthening exercises two or more days a week. You only need three hours per week to meet the NHS guidelines. Three hours may seem intimidating initially, but it adds up to less than 20 minutes per day! 

You don't have to go to a fancy gym or take expensive classes to reach these exercise goals. Something as simple as taking short walks during breaks, using stairs instead of elevators, or engaging in active hobbies like outdoor photography, fishing, or yoga is enough to break a sweat and get your heart pumping. Everyday activities are a great way to build exercise into your routine. 

The most important thing is finding what works best for you within your schedule. Starting small and building from there is far more practical and helpful than trying to go all out on exercise and burning out in a week. Remember, small steps towards more physical activity can significantly benefit your overall health and wellbeing. 

Tips for Incorporating Physical Activity Into Your Life

a light bulb sitting on top of a wooden table.

Here are three simple and easily accessible ways to get more physical activity. 

Incorporate Exercise Into Your Routine 

One of the best ways to add exercise to your schedule is to incorporate more movement into your daily activities. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or the escalator. Park farther away from a store, so you have to walk. During a break at work, take a brisk walk and stretch. Adding exercise this way saves you time and makes it easy to get your steps in. 

Add Exercise to Classroom Activities

Additionally, you can get creative and integrate physical activity into your classroom activities. Your kids will probably love it, and you'll also benefit from the exercise. Consider incorporating movement breaks, active learning strategies, or games to make lessons more engaging and fun for you and your students. Your kids will be more focused in class, and you'll feel refreshed. That's a win-win! 

Make Exercise Fun

One of the best ways to exercise more and make it a regular habit is to embrace your inner child. The more fun you have while exercising, the more sustainable it will be. 

Playing a sport is one of the best ways to make exercise fun. Some fun sports are cycling, rowing, hiking, and pickleball. The possibilities are endless!

Overcoming Barriers to Physical Activity

Adding physical activity to your routine is easier said than done. Lack of time, motivation, or access to facilities is a common challenge. However, there are some practical steps you can implement to overcome these hurdles and improve education staff and teacher wellbeing. 

Finding resources close to your school or home is a great way to ease the time requirements for exercise. Parks and community centres provide accessible options for physical activity and an opportunity to build community. 

Additionally, seeking support from colleagues or loved ones can help keep you accountable and motivated. Exercising is much easier if you have a workout buddy!

Physical activity plays a crucial role in education staff wellbeing. Regular physical activity can benefit not only physical health but also teachers' mental, emotional, and cognitive wellbeing. Staying physically fit is one of the best ways to maximise your impact in the classroom and feel good when you get home. 

If you would like some help incorporating exercise into your life, why not sign up for the Wellbee Wellbeing Toolkit to access helpful free resources to help you improve your wellbeing?  

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