What Impact Does a Lack of Sleep Have?
Watch the video to explore the impacts that a lack of sleep can have on your physical and mental wellbeing.
Trust sits at the core of relationships, and it can have a significant impact on your and your colleagues wellbeing. But what exactly is trust? Watch this video to find out . . .
Trust sits at the core of relationships, and it can have a significant impact on your and your colleagues' wellbeing at work. But what is trust exactly? A good definition of trust is having a firm belief in the reliability, truth or ability of someone. It means they are likely to do what they say, meet deadlines, not talk about you behind your back and take responsibility when things don't go as planned. But what happens when you work with someone where there is little or no trust? Well, you tend to be cautious and guarded. Progress, as a result, is slower, tasks may not be completed, and if things do go wrong, then those involved probably look for someone to blame.
According to Stephen M. R. Covey, author of The Speed of Trust, trust comes from both character and competence. If you only trust someone's character, you may lend them money or let them look after your house if you are away, but you wouldn't leave them in charge of your class, department or school. Performance would likely decline if you did not trust their competence. But, if you only trust their competence, you may be happy to let them run something for you, but you wouldn't turn your back on them or give them access to money or confidential information.
There is a risk in trusting people because they may let you down. However, there's an even bigger risk and cost of not trusting people. Even if you've had a poor experience or been burnt before, the cost of low trust or mistrust is high disengagement, poor performance, staff leaving, higher sickness, higher costs and, of course, lower results. Trust is also reciprocal. So, if you are a leader or manager, you must trust team members if you want their trust in return.
You can explore more about trust and how to develop it in the 'Trust' course, which you can find on your 'My Courses' page.