What Impact Does a Lack of Sleep Have?
Watch the video to explore the impacts that a lack of sleep can have on your physical and mental wellbeing.
One way to manage your stressors it to try and avoid them. Watch the video to discover some tips on how to do this . . .
One of the ways we can manage our stressors is to avoid them. While in our work environment this is not always possible, here are six strategies that might help you.
1. Learn to say no.
It's important to know your limits and stick to them. While in peak times there is more to do, try to be aware of when you are under too much pressure and in a state of stress. What can and will you stop doing?
You may think taking on more than you can handle will help in the short-term, but it will mean you are not able to give your best over longer periods. When taking on more things it is also highly likely that you will suffer from decreasing quality of work.
If you find it difficult to say no to others, including your line manager, you could negotiate, for example ask,"Which of my other tasks would you be happy for me not to do?"
2. Take control of your environment.
If there are specific jobs or activities that you find more challenging, can you negotiate with your line manager or other colleagues to swap them, taking on tasks that you are more comfortable with?
You could also look to do them differently, for example collaborating with others or sharing out so everyone does a part of a task, and your line manager may be able to help you explore alternative approaches to your work.
3. Avoid hot-button topics.
If you repeatedly argue about the same subject or with the same people, stop bringing it up or excuse yourself when it’s the topic of discussion.
4. Prioritise.
Remove things from your daily to-do list by being clear about what is really important and learn to plan more effectively. Of course, this is simple advice that we all know, and yet many people fail to prioritise and treat too many things as important.
5. Avoid distractions and interruptions.
Evidence shows the negative impact of interruptions and distractions, with one study showing that each of these can add 11 minutes to a task. One way in which you can help avoid distractions is to plan ‘availability time’ rather than having an open door. Let people know when you can give them time and when you are not available, to make sure you can get important tasks done.
6.Avoid working excessive hours.
Taking work home, working evenings and weekends is seen as being part of the job by many staff. If you make this a regular habit, it will have an impact on your life and ability to manage pressure and stress.
The easiest way to avoid this, is to choose the hours you work and then make your work fit it - it will force you to prioritise, do less work and work smarter. If you don't do this then work tends to stretch to fill the time you make available and you may work unproductively due to tiredness and multi-tasking.
Of course this is not an exhaustive list of strategies and you will have identified others to help you avoid your stressors.
It may not always be possible or appropriate to avoid to your stressor. You may also want to explore if your can alter, adapt or work to accept the stressor instead, and we explore these strategies in their own videos.
You can also explore more tips and strategies to help you manage stress in the 'stress management' course which you can take at your own pace from the 'your courses' page.