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What is Empathy?

We often about the importance of being empathetic, but what exactly is empathy, and why is it important? Watch this video to find out and discover the 5 elements of empathy identified by Daniel Goleman . . .

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What is empathy and why is it important? Broadly speaking, empathy refers to our cognitive and emotional reactions to the experiences of another person. When you're empathetic, you can put yourself in the shoes of the other person, allowing you to share in their emotions and take their perspective. Doing this means taking an active interest in their concerns, making you likely to offer help and show compassion. And empathy or caring is an important foundation of meaningful connections with your students, colleagues, staff, and yourself. As someone working in education, showing empathy towards your pupils can help increase their self worth and make them feel valued. In the workplace, empathy is important in helping you connect and work well with others who may have different backgrounds, perspectives, or experiences. And when you've made a mistake or feel that you failed in something, empathy allows you to be kind to yourself and move forward with confidence. Daniel Goleman has identified five key elements of empathy.

The first element of empathy is understanding others. If you have this skill, you will be able to tune into the emotional queues given by others. This means you can listen well, spot nonverbal communication, show sensitivity, look to understand things from the other person's perspective, and help and support others based on an understanding of their feelings and needs.

The second element is developing others. You understand and act on what others need as well as want. This means you effectively recognise, praise and reward people for their effort, achievements, and strengths, while also providing constructive feedback through questioning and listening. You act as a coach and mentor to help bring out the full potential of other people. You also give others responsibility and provide stretching assignments to develop them.

The third element is having a service orientation. You put the needs of colleagues, students, and others first and look for ways to improve their satisfaction and loyalty. This means you are collaborative, look for win, win outcomes, and go the extra mile to make sure you meet their needs as well as your own. This includes supporting others outside the workplace.

The fourth element is Leveraging Diversity. You will recognize and celebrate that everyone, irrespective of their differences, brings something to every situation. This means you can adapt your behavior and treat people in a way that fits with their needs and wants. This doesn't mean you shouldn't look after yourself, and that is the first step. You can relate to all people and understand that diverse teams often work more effectively than homogeneous ones. You also create a culture and atmosphere that is respectful and reduces intolerance and bias.

The fifth and final element identified by Goldman is political awareness. You can sense and respond to the emotional undercurrents and power relationships within a team. This means you can successfully navigate organizational relationships and achieve outcomes that others find difficult.

Which of these five elements of empathy would you say is a strength? Which may you need to work on developing?

You can explore how to develop these different areas of empathy by taking the Empathy Course, which you can find on your My courses page.

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