What Impact Does a Lack of Sleep Have?
Watch the video to explore the impacts that a lack of sleep can have on your physical and mental wellbeing.
Watch this video to explore how pressure can impact your performance, and the difference between stretch, strain, and crisis . . .
You will regularly experience pressure at work. Pressure can come from many sources, such as having specific tasks to deliver within a timeframe or having deadlines to meet. It can also be something you put on yourself, through having high expectations or from being a 'perfectionist'.
Pressure can be positive and a motivating factor, but the level of pressure we feel can have a significant impact on our performance.
When you experience very low pressure, you will often find yourself feeling bored. This can lead to you having little or no interest in achieving deadlines or targets and leave you feeling undervalued. It can create a lack of engagement, making you appear unenthusiastic and lethargic to others.
An average amount of pressure often you puts you in your comfort zone. You are mainly doing what you know how to do and often don't feel challenged. For some people, this may be an excellent place to be, but for most, the lack of stretch can feel un-stimulating. Whilst in your comfort zone, you are unlikely to take risks or show innovation.
Slightly more pressure results in stretch. When you are experiencing stretch, you will generally be working at pace. You will have a heavy but manageable workload and may also be learning to do something new or taking on additional responsibilities. Some people enjoy the challenge of being stretched and are happy to be in this stretched zone most of the time. Other people may start to feel uncomfortable after a prolonged period of stretch and need to take some recuperation time within their comfort zone.
However, there is a thin line between stretch and strain, and when a person moves from stretch to strain can be influenced by several factors, including the length of time they have been in a period of stretch and the nature of the challenges they are facing.
When you are experiencing strain you may feel fatigued and could make poor decisions. This can lead to a feeling you are less able to cope and can lead to a state of stress. It's important you take action to help recuperate and so you can continue to be productive. We will explore a number of different strategies later in the course.
If you experience extreme pressure, you may enter a period of crisis. Crisis is often the tipping point and where you may feel exhausted and that you have no control over the situation. This can lead to burnout and mental or physical illness if not addressed. You will explore strategies that can help you manage this later in the course and you may also want to seek support or professional help. The resources shared at the beginning of the course could also be a place for you to explore.
However, there is a thin line between stretch and strain, and when a person moves from stretch to strain can be influenced by several factors, including the length of time they have been in a period of stretch and the nature of the challenges they are facing.
When you are experiencing strain you may feel fatigued and could make poor decisions. This can lead to a feeling you are less able to cope and can lead to a state of stress. It's important you take action to help recuperate and so you can continue to be productive, and we explore these in more detail in other bitesize videos.
If you experience extreme pressure, you may enter a period of crisis. Crisis is often the tipping point and where you may feel exhausted and that you have no control over the situation. This can lead to burnout and mental or physical illness if not addressed. You will explore strategies that can help you manage this later in the course and you may also want to seek support or professional help.
We explore pressure and stress in more detail in the 'stress management' course which you can take at your own pace. You can find this course by going to the 'my courses' page.