Introduction to Coaching

In your wellbeing toolkit you'll find a wide range of high-quality courses focused on personal wellbeing and leadership development for school staff.   Check out the details of our Introduction to Coaching course below.
The total length of this self-paced interactive course is approximately 160 minutes but can be taken at your own pace in as many sessions as you like.  
Coaching is an essential skill for any school leader, as it underpins highly effective leadership and enables you to engage and motivate others. This course is designed to provide leaders with practical coaching skills that they can use to create a more engaged and motivated team. By taking this course, you'll learn how to set meaningful goals, provide effective feedback, and support your team's growth and development. You'll also learn how to use coaching skills to enhance your communication, build trust, and promote collaboration within your team. With the skills you'll acquire from this interactive course, you'll be better equipped to lead your team towards success, while fostering a culture of learning and development.   
To access this preimium course you need to log in to your wellbeing toolkit.
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